Category: Regional

EnglandThe bulgarian for H&WEVIDENCERegionalRoma or Traveller15-1818-25Over 25Contact with Criminal Justice

Its Kushti to Rokker (In English Its Good to Talk) A filmmaking and education project from the perspective of young Travellers.


What did you find out? High levels of discrimination and educational exclusion can place young Gypsies and Travellers’ at a higher risk of experiencing poor mental …

OtherEnglandCare Experienced8-12Living in PovertyBetter awarenessRegional13-15Living with ViolenceIMPACT15-18Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerDisabledContact with Criminal JusticeLGBTQI



What did you do to try to achieve change? Each session is different and themed around a different topic.  As a result of the sessions we …

OtherEnglandCare Experienced8-12Living in PovertyConnect with peopleRegional13-15Living with Violence15-18ADVICE18-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerDisabledContact with Criminal JusticeLGBTQI



Tell us your advice on doing participation activities. The project is youth led, so this means a group of elected young people plan and deliver the …

OtherEnglandCare ExperiencedEVIDENCE8-12Living in PovertyRegional13-15Living with Violence15-1818-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerDisabledContact with Criminal JusticeLGBTQIOther



What do we do? For over 10 years we have brought young people together from across the North West of England to meet, discuss youth led …

Living within the regional areaOtherEnglandBetter serviceRegional13-1515-1818-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationDisabledLGBTQI

Youth Voice


What did you do to try to achieve change? The young people through ‘the police in school debate’, have changed how the policy will be implemented …

Living within the regional areaOtherEnglandRegional13-1515-18Take action18-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationDisabledLGBTQI

Youth Voice


Tell us your advice on doing participation activities. The group have a different agenda each month when they come together.  However, we have started to recognise …

Living within the regional areaOtherEnglandEVIDENCERegional13-1515-1818-25Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationParticipation for ChangeDisabledLGBTQI

Youth Voice


What do we do? We are called Youth Focus Northwest.  We bring together 42 youth organisations from across Greater Manchester, in the North of England to …

Care ExperiencedNational8-12Connect with peopleRegionalInvestigate

Changing Gears


What did we do

In 2020 Children in Scotland was asked by Cycling Scotland to explore children and young people’s views and perceptions of cycling and road safety. The project, called Changing Gears, offered 300 children and young people the chance to share their thoughts and experiences and shape future decisions about cycling across Scotland.

Contact: Elaine Kerridge, Children In Scotland (

The place is called:





Care ExperiencedThe bulgarian for H&W8-12NationalRegionalSupport NetworkSafe Environment

Changing Gears


What did we do

In 2020 Children in Scotland was asked by Cycling Scotland to explore children and young people’s views and perceptions of cycling and road safety. The project, called Changing Gears, offered 300 children and young people the chance to share their thoughts and experiences and shape future decisions about cycling across Scotland.

Contact: Elaine Kerridge, Children In Scotland (

The place is called:





Care ExperiencedBetter awarenessNational8-12Regional

Changing Gears


What did we do

In 2020 Children in Scotland was asked by Cycling Scotland to explore children and young people’s views and perceptions of cycling and road safety. The project, called Changing Gears, offered 300 children and young people the chance to share their thoughts and experiences and shape future decisions about cycling across Scotland.

Contact: Elaine Kerridge, Children In Scotland (

The place is called:



