Category: The Earth

PoliticiansCivil Servants/Policy MakersHealth and WellbeingLiving in PovertyRegional13-15Education15-18Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationEuropeThe EarthParticipation for ChangeEquality

Children’s Rights Day 2021


What did we do? 80 young people, divided into 6 different committees on various topics (selected by a group of youth advisors), worked together on drafting …

Health and WellbeingCare ExperiencedMoney for EssentialsLiving in PovertyIndependenceLiving with ViolenceEuropeanEducationSupport NetworkBlack, Asian or Minority EthnicOver 25The EarthSafe EnvironmentYoung CarerParticipation for ChangeDisabledEqualityLGBTQILeisureCOVID-19

Children and (climate) change


What did we do

Academics shared their recent research. We reported on what children have told us and sumarised it in a picture.
Some of what we discussed was participatory research by and with children and young people.
Contact for details

The place is called:





Health and WellbeingEngland8-12Money for EssentialsIndependenceRegional13-15Education15-18The EarthSafe EnvironmentParticipation for ChangeContact with Criminal Justice

‘Just putting me on the right track’


We conducted participatory action research with young people in contact with youth offending teams. It was led by young people in custody.

Care ExperiencedEngland8-12Living in PovertyRegionalBlack, Asian or Minority EthnicThe EarthSafe EnvironmentParticipation for Change

Living Coast Youth Voice


We found out that there are a lot of things that stop children and young people from being out enjoying themselves by the sea. Sometimes adults …