Category: IMPACT




Invitation to share your ideas in a journal

Better awarenessIMPACTBetter communityRoma or TravellerEurope

Youth led campaigns in Bulgaria


What has changed? Two campaigns: “The problems of the Roma community in Blagoevgrad through the eyes of young people, presented with the Photovoice method” and “Check …

Follow up actionIMPACTBetter serviceBetter community

From Voice to Action


What did you do to try to achieve change? We delivered a report to each Shelter Home, meeting with those responsible. We delivered a global report …

Follow up actionCare ExperiencedLiving in PovertyBetter awarenessIMPACT13-15Roma or TravellerBetter communityEuropean15-18Europe

Participative group with children in alternative care


What did you do to try to achieve change? We wanted to inform children about their rights through the Child Guarantee and to support them to …

Follow up actionCare ExperiencedPrepare and planBetter awarenessLiving in PovertyConnect with peopleIdentify issues13-15IMPACTBetter community15-18Roma or TravellerTake actionEuropeFollow up action

Participative group with children in alternative care


What advice would you give to other people running participatory projects with and for children? We would definitely encourage other organization that work with children from …

EnglandCare ExperiencedNational8-12Connect with peopleLiving in Poverty13-15WalesRoma or Traveller15-18ADVICEInternational18-25Take actionBetter law or policyReview or inspectionAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerDisabledContact with Criminal Justice

Talking to Stakeholders


How to get your messages across to the people who may be able to help

Under 88-12Better awareness13-1515-18European18-25Better law or policyEurope

Council of Europe Parliamentary Report on Children’s Participation


How young people helped write a Council of Europe Parliamentary Report

EnglandNational8-1213-15Better communityRoma or Traveller

Travelling Ahead Media and Oral History workshop


What has changed? The young people have started recording and sharing memories that will be captured forever. Preserving history of days gone by. evidenceWhat did you …

EnglandBetter awarenessNational8-1213-15Roma or Traveller

Roads from the Past GRT Animation project


What has changed? So  far the film the young people made has been watched more than 50,000 times in schools, HMPs and wider public. evidenceWhat did …

EnglandBetter awarenessRoma or Traveller18-25

Traveller Times Talks Vlogging


What has changed? Since completing the workshops the young Vloggers have been inspired to set up their own activism group. They have supported each other and …