Category: Civil Servants/Policy Makers

Civil Servants/Policy MakersUnder 88-12Connect with people13-15Identify issues15-18Roma or TravellerInvestigateTake actionFollow up actionEuropeReview and shareOtherParticipation for Change

Strategies for inclusive and impactful participation


Reaching In: What we have learned in 2021 about making children’s participation inclusive and impactful

Civil Servants/Policy MakersCare ExperiencedPrepare and plan15-18EuropeanEurope

Rights of children in alternative care – filling the gap through peer research


What is your advice to people wanting to strengthen children’s participation in parliaments? To have functional children’s participation in parliament or government decisions, it is important …

Civil Servants/Policy MakersUncategorisedCare ExperiencedBetter awarenessEuropean15-18Europe

Rights of children in alternative care – filling the gap through peer research


What impact did you want to achieve? The main outcome was to engage young people, equip them with skills and use the evidence they were collecting …

Civil Servants/Policy MakersCare ExperiencedEuropean15-18Other

Rights of children in alternative care – filling the gap through peer research


What did you do? The peer research methodology (known as action research) is useful because it empowers young people in academic research, involve them in all …

PoliticiansCivil Servants/Policy MakersPrepare and planLiving in PovertyIdentify issuesRegional13-1515-18Black, Asian or Minority EthnicFollow up actionAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationEuropeParticipation for Change

Children’s Rights Day 2021


Advice on children’s participation: The children involved are the main actors, meaning all the adults are the spectators. Within committees where parliamentarians are present, it is …

PoliticiansCivil Servants/Policy MakersLiving in PovertyBetter awarenessRegional13-1515-18Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationEuropeReview or inspection

Children’s Rights Day 2021


What impact did you want to achieve? The main goal was to have the parliamentarians listen to the young people. Therefore, professional moderators would guide the …

PoliticiansCivil Servants/Policy MakersHealth and WellbeingLiving in PovertyRegional13-15Education15-18Black, Asian or Minority EthnicAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationEuropeThe EarthParticipation for ChangeEquality

Children’s Rights Day 2021


What did we do? 80 young people, divided into 6 different committees on various topics (selected by a group of youth advisors), worked together on drafting …

PoliticiansCivil Servants/Policy MakersRoles of adults involvedHealth and WellbeingEVIDENCE8-12EuropeanRoma or Traveller

RoMOMatteR – Empowering Roma Girls’ Mattering through Reproductive Justice


What do we do? The general objective is to empower Roma girls’ mattering to help them envision their futures and choose motherhood only if and when …