Tag: ucmc2




Invitation to share your ideas in a journal

Connect with peopleNational8-1213-15ADVICE15-18

Connecting to Changemakers


Advice on how to reach out, connect and invite young people to become changemakers

EnglandWalesADVICE15-18Take action18-25Safe Environment

Aiming for change


We have been learning from PAC projects. Peer Researchers and their partner organisations have told us about different ways that young can aim to achieve change, …

EnglandCare Experienced8-12Connect with peopleLiving in PovertyNational13-15Wales15-18ADVICERoma or TravellerInternational18-25Take actionBetter law or policyReview or inspectionAsylum seeker, Refugee or MigrationYoung CarerDisabledContact with Criminal Justice

Talking to Stakeholders


How to get your messages across to the people who may be able to help

UncategorisedTake actionFollow up action

Connecting Research to Social Action


Have you been investigating the views of other children and young people and now you are planning action?   Remember action is part of a cycle …

EnglandNationalLiving with ViolenceWales13-15Investigate15-18Take action18-25

Collaborative Analysis


This is advice on how to analyse your research data. It was cocreated with PAC https://peeractioncollective.com/


When Listening is Hard


Are you doing research with other young people and finding that at times you have to listen to difficult things? Take a look at three steks …

EnglandPrepare and planNationalLiving with ViolenceWalesADVICEInvestigateTake actionFollow up action

Maximising Credibility


This is advice on how to make sure your research can tell convincing stories. It was cocreated with PAC https://peeractioncollective.com/

Prepare and planConnect with peopleNational8-1213-1515-18ADVICE18-25The UKTake actionAfrica

Peer Research and Social Action


How young people can use peer research to help create change

Prepare and planNationalLiving with ViolenceIdentify issuesADVICE15-1818-25The UKSafe Environment

Brewing a research project


Peer Researchers from the Peer Action Collective worked with Ali Roy and Cath Larkins to create this guide to how to move from general research interests to a doable research project